Thursday, September 2, 2010

Acid Baby!

Earlier this summer I climbed Acid Baby with Chris Wheeler. This climb wasn't really on my radar, but I kept hearing about its epic status and decided to check it out. Once I looked at a topo I knew that I was in for an adventure. It didn't disappoint. It is sustained, the pitches are long and it has some quality climbing.We followed the topo for the most part except for breaking the first pitch into two. We topped out right as it got dark and instead of scrambling to the top we went down the gulley. It didn't look like you could scramble to the top, but apparantly you can. There are fixed stations all the way down, but if I had to guess I would say that the scramble is probably better. Overall, this is a great route and a must do for anyone who wants a sustained 5.10 alpine route.

Chris at the base. It is roughly three quarters of the way up Aasgard pass on the left.
Looking up the route. You can see the first 5.10+ corner in the middle of the picture.

The 10+ corner. Beautiful.
Chris following up higher on the corner pitch
Looking up the second 10+ pitch. Sorry about the finger, but this was the only picture I had of the corner.
The view of Dragontail
Chris following pitch 5
Higher up on pitch 5 with some good exposure
The last bit before the summit. Very cool!

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